by Hristina Efinska
Why is a case study important for your business? First of all, gaining the trust of potential clients can be a struggle. Then, before you can even expect to earn their trust and become their partner, you need to show your ability to deliver on what you promise. One of the most effective ways to do so, is by creating a case study.
In this article, we would like to walk you through the creation of a successful case study for your business. A case study that positions your company as an authority on the market, explains your problem-solving mindset and provides social proof.
What is a case study?
By definition, a case study is an in-depth research method that consists of a detailed investigation of a specific subject of study. The reason why we create case studies is to bring a complex topic closer to a broader audience. Case studies make it easier for us to connect the dots and have a better understanding of a specific subject matter.
The case study has been used as a research method for a long time, especially in social sciences. It has been applied in various disciplines examining real-time life situations and providing a foundation for numerous ideas.

Benefits of Preparing a Case Study
1. You get to tell a story of success
When you think about it, storytelling plays a crucial part in selling your product or service. That’s why you need to present your case studies as success stories. First, you introduce your characters (the clients or customers), then you describe the problem they faced, how you helped them fight the specific conflict, and then you wrap everything up in a conclusion. Remember, you need to show everyone that your customers are the heroes here, not you. You are what helps them save the day, the wind in their back. This is what makes case studies engaging, readable and relatable.
2.Your client comes first
The biggest benefit of publishing case studies for your business is that they represent your customer’s and client’s voice, not your company’s. All of the content that comes from your marketing and sales teams, like webinars, blog posts, podcasts, social media posts, are often viewed as self-serving, so people tend to be slightly more skeptical of them. Contrary to that, the case studies come directly from the client, which means they act as a third-party endorsement.

Key elements of an engaging business case study
There are a number of ways you can write a case study in business. While there is no straightforward answer to how to do it, here are some key elements that you need to consider:
- Info about the client
- An outline of the business case study
- The proposed solution
- The results
Info about the client
Introducing your client to the audience is one of the fundamental parts of a well-prepared business case study. By doing so, readers can get a grasp of the situation. They will meet the client and have a better understanding of how they are facing their problem. Here, the readers can even relate and feel as if the case study was written about them. If you achieve this, half of the work is done.
An outline of the business case study
It’s important to have a clear outline that is easy to read and understand. You can apply various forms and techniques such as a blog post, a short video, or an infographic. It doesn’t really matter which form you choose for the case study because what makes the click is setting the right expectations for your audience. You can do this simply by listing what you will cover in what follows.
The client’s challenge
Well, you are off to tackling the main reason why you are writing the business case study in the first place. Meaning, you need to be careful and make it easy to understand. Presenting the challenge in a simple way is maybe the most challenging part. Keep it short and to the point. The more focused you make it, the more people will read it. Always have your audience in mind and do it in an easy-to-grasp manner.
The proposed solution
Business case studies are like stories. First, you introduce your client, then you describe the problems they had and at the end you give the solution you provided for the problem. When putting forward the ways you helped the client, do it so with the client as a key figure. Your client needs to provide inspiring stories so that your next prospect will hire you.
The results
Solidifying a strong working relationship with your existing customers is one of the key purposes of a case study in business. If a customer is happy and supported by you, they are likely to work with you again, By making your customers look good, you will attract prospects that crave the same outcome for their business.

How to get testimonials from your clients?
First thing’s first, you need to get your clients to provide inspiring testimonials for your good service. Resist the temptation to consider just any client for a case study testimonial. Case studies for business should address the issues that potential clients might have, so be selective.
1. Ask your most loyal clients
The best place to start is with your company’s most loyal clients. You know, the ones that have been with you since the beginning, and you know you have brought them success. Typically, these clients have had positive experiences with your service, and as a result, are willing to share their story of success.
Next up, check which of your clients have had recent wins. Speak to people who’ve done some hands-on work on the clients to identify a list of your best candidates so you can approach them first to participate in a case study.
2. Do your homework before you approach them
Before you reach out to your existing clients, think carefully about the timing of your request. Take time to do your research, so you understand the possible theme of the specific case study may be. For extra points, you can also research the specific person you’ll be reaching out to if you’re not already familiar with them. That’s how you’ll identify who can make an introduction, or at least help you personalize your request.
3. Explain why it is a win-win situation
Before you reach out to your clients, make it clear what’s involved if they agree to participate. Outline the whole process ( be specific and make it understandable), how much time it will take, and how you’ll be using the case study once it’s finalized. Make it clear that by participating in this, they’re assisting your company, but they have benefits as well. Being profiled in such a study can become a valuable tool for them to scale their profile and potentially position themselves as an authority in their industry.
At the end of the day, you work hard at what you do. But eventually, you have to show it to the world — and, most importantly, to your potential clients. Make sure you follow the aforementioned steps that will showcase your work is effectively communicated. For an easy start, head on to our case studies link, and learn how we brought success to our clients by hiring dedicated teams for their needs.